Sunday, October 4, 2009

Busy Weekend

This was my first double troop weekend. They were both relatively short events, so it wasn't that bad.

Yesterday we attended the Ferderbar Elementary School Fun Day in Feasterville. It was a good time, but the it started raining about half way through and the humidity kept going up. I brought Sharyn and the kids with me for this one. The kids aren't big on playing outside in the rain, so we had to leave a bit early. Still got some funny videos of Jason, Scooter and myself getting dancing lessons from some of the local girls.

EDIT: I had to add this pic. It's just too great!!

Today we attended the Villanova Buddy Walk. This was the first time that Garrison Carida was invited to this event, but it was well worth it. All the kids loved us, and the weather turned out to be perfect! It was great to troop with Jason two days in a row, and hang out with Ficker, Sarge, PJ and Amanda again. My dad even came out for this event and took the pictures for us! This one is my favorite, and pretty much sums up why I do this.


Check out the full set of pix here.

That's all for now.

TK-8495 out.

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